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Smith Rock – Multi-Pitch Climbing Course

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Guided Multi-Pitch Rock Climbing Courses at Smith Rock, Oregon

Develop advanced multi-pitch skills with our climbing course at Smith Rock, the premier destination for rock climbing near Bend, Oregon. This course is tailored for climbers with a background in either sport or traditional climbing, looking to climb multiple rope lengths off of the ground.

Under the guidance of experienced Smith Rock climbing guides, you’ll refine your ability to lead and follow on extended multi-pitch routes. Learn crucial techniques including knot tying for multi-pitch scenarios, setting advanced anchors, managing efficient belay transitions, and enhancing communication while climbing. Practical sessions include rope and station management, belaying from above, executing multiple rappels, and essential self-rescue procedures.

Guided by our expert Oregon climbing guides, you’ll have the opportunity to lead actual multi-pitch climbs at Smith Rock OR, applying your new skills in real-world climbing scenarios. This comprehensive approach ensures you leave the course with the confidence and competence to tackle more ambitious climbs at Smith Rock Oregon State Park and beyond.